At the end of the day, Lindsay and Brittany were smiling. Both girls created some fun art! The little bird nest Brittany painted is so cute! Can you believe that it was her first stab at painting?

Lindsay Wyne got into the abstract painting. This painting is so handsome in a silver frame...way to go Lindsay!

This little 6" x 6" canvas has a new home---Alice now owns this cute painting by Lindsay Wyne.

Brittany Germany and I were in the studio yesterday. I wanted to give Brittany and Josh something for thier new apartment in Aurora, IL.
Yesterday was a hot one in Dallas. It was a great day to spend inside at Studio Art & Soul. Kelly Kirkham visited the studio, and we worked on some mixed media pieces. Lindsay Wyne and Brittany Germany were in the mood to paint. They were fearless and really produced some great art. A good time was had by all...Those artists at the studio were: Gail, Suzy, Karen, and myself. It was wonderful having Kelly, Lindsay and Brittany visit and experience art. I know Kelly will be back soon, and I will get a picture of her and her creative pieces.