Saturday, July 3, 2010

On my Studio Art and Soul

Today, at the studio I was working on a still life. It took me a long time to set it up...I had not been in the studio since Tuesday, and I needed to get all the props out for the still life. (table, lights, box, fabric, the nest and eggs) Here is a pic of the canvas, on my easel. I got a good start, covering the canvas with plenty of paint.

Here is the set-up...a bird to my easel. I had a good time painting this afternoon. Karen and Carol were also at Studio Art and Soul.

Here is the nest. Actually, John Wyne watched two cardinals build this nest last week in our backyard. They were busy, and after a couple of days John noticed an egg. Then the next day, two eggs. After four days there were five small creamy turqoise eggs with brown speckles. Then to our surpise, all of the sudden there were empty eggs. We recovered the egg shells...evidently a squirrel, snake or cat got the eggs in the nest. We were shocked, and looked for the mama and papa, but never saw them. So, after about 5 days, I took the nest out of the bush. I love painting, here we go on a still life. I hope to return to the studio this weekend and finish this painting, putting some details on the eggs, darken the shadows, and add more twigs on the nest.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog...I hope that you have a fun and safe weekend!

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