Friday, January 11, 2013

The Ruler of the Roost

The Ruler of the Roost
30" x 30" Oil on Linen
Contemporary Oil Painting
Painting #10 for the 30-30 Challenge
After painting days of small canvas panels, I switched it up big time.  I had an oil primed piece of linen that measured 50" x 50" so I taped it to a big board, put it on my easel and got my big brushes out.  I had so much fun with this painting!  When I started, I knew I wanted to be expressive and use some vivid colors.  I really didn't have a game plan other than to paint big, bold strokes.  I was very careful to lay in the darks and the shadows, and to get his eyes and beak right, but after that I let my imagination go on the colors and the looseness of the feathers.  There is variety in my strokes, and I did not realize until I cleaned up that I had used about fifteen different brushes because I didn't want my oils to get muddy. I didn't hesitate to pick up a clean brush to avoid muddy oils.
I did not use a palette knife on this painting other than to use it for mixing colors.  Here in this close-up you can see that the paints are thick and juicy.  I used very little medium, so it will take a while for this one to dry.  I had wanted to try the cutting/taping of linen and painting on unstretched linen for a while....It was different.  I felt like I didn't have any boundaries...which could be a good thing.  I wasn't use to marking off my edges.  I guess the advantage to painting on flat pieces of linen or canvas is that I have the option of trimming it down/cropping when it comes down to stretching and framing. It also gives the artist the option of avoiding the standard size canvas.  So this is my entry for Day 10 on the 30-30 sure to go to Slices of Life by Leslie Saeta to see all of the art posted.  I don't have any ideas for my painting today....I sure would like to get ahead of the game, but I am staying on track. Thanks for viewing....have an artful day.  KMW


  1. wow, this is beautiful, I love your pure vibrant colors!

  2. Wow is right! He is BEAUTIFUL! Just love the wonderful brushwork!

  3. Love that tail area and love how free you felt painting it. He is very commanding and part of a great painting.

  4. You weren't kidding when you said you were going big...big and beautiful! Hope you liked the linen.

  5. This is so beautiful Kay, I love the colors and the brush work!
