Friday, April 24, 2009

Vae of Flowers

This oil painting is on a 12" x 16" canvas. I have used a very warm color palette...very orange/red/golden in the flowers. I used a brush (no knife) on this painting. The paint was applied pretty thick, looks like buttery frosting on the canvas. This is an unusual size canvas for me to paint on...I like the way the flowers go off the canvas, and that the vase is off-center.
I will be going to the studio today working on various paintings that I have started. I have about a dozen paintings that I started, painted on, and have gotten bored or irritated at my paint brush. I need to finish up all these paintings. I don't like looking at them. Hopefully I will be in the mood to complete something today.


  1. I agree, the color palette is a perfect choice. It's very warm and we're having one of our first beautiful, warm spring days here in Minneapolis--can't tell you how nice it is to log onto your blog and be greated by something like this first thing in the morning.

  2. Captures the energy of the flowers! Reminds me of Bonnard. Lovely.
